We Use State of the Art Equipment

All of our systems are dynamically backed up for your protection against disaster, and additional measures are taken daily to insure data redundancy and the security of your personal and business information.

Alternative power sources enable us to independently function at full-speed even during natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods or brown-outs.

The technology of our LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network) allow us to intelligently route calls between our offices, assuring that your calls are answered efficiently even during peak call periods.

This same technology allows us to deliver your messages, almost instantly, in a variety of methods, such as FAX, e-Mail, cellular phones, PDA's and all types of pagers.

Our primary vendors include: Dell, Microsoft, Cisco, Symantec, CadCom, APC, US Robotics and Adtran.

Member of the TSP Program

Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) is a program that authorizes national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) organizations to receive priority treatment for vital voice and data circuits. NS/EP services are those used to maintain a state of readiness or to respond to and manage any event or crisis (local, national, or international) that causes or could cause injury or harm to the population, damage to or loss of property, or degrades or threatens the NS/EP posture of the United States.

As a result of hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other natural or man-made disasters, telecommunications service vendors frequently experience a surge in requests for new services and requirements to restore existing services. The TSP program provides service vendors a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandate to prioritize requests by identifying those services critical to NS/EP. A TSP assignment ensures that it will receive priority attention by the service vendor before any non-TSP service.“